Astrology and Psychology: A study of the interactions of astrological thought and western psychology. I worked in psychiatry for many years as a mental health PROFESSIONAL AND collected much data in the way of observing PATIENTS' behaviors and as well, taking a look at their charts. Although I could not introduce Astrology into the milieu of psychiatry, I did come away with many insights to be shared, which I try to do in this book. As well, I look at the charts of WELL-KNOWN psychologists, and dissect why they came up with their outlooks and ideas, and how they might apply to us according to our own chart make-up. The book is approriate for astrologers or psychologists alike, as well AS LAYPERSONS wishing to delve into either field. It might be especially helpful for those students of Psychology who are uncomfortable with even looking at Astrology for fear it is a fringe untenable sham. In fact, as Jung knew so well, the myths and archetypes held by astrology help enlighten and enliven the mind with understanding of its potentials: Astrology is a large part of the weave of modern psychology.
(This book is under edit and should be available in the next year)