What is an astrological reading?
Astrology is the ancient yet modern view of the world that interprets the life according to the planetary configurations at birth. Originally astronomy grew out of the astrologer's work; to apprentice one had to learn the planetary movements, as they were understood at the time. As physics and astronomy progressed, through Newtonian times, astronomy became the dominant study and method of discovery.
Astrologers know their sidereal astronomy, and still believe that we have much more to offer than just a mechanistic view of the universe; we feel we have valid and insightful views into the soul's purpose on earth, as revealed by the planetary configurations.
The astrologer calculates the chart based on the date, place and time of birth, and then interprets the chart based on many different writer's opinions of the planetary configurations. When I interpret a chart, I take as many outlooks into consideration as I can, as well as my own 40 years experience, and most importantly, the client’s outlook. I prefer to get as much information as is possible to then help a person interpret the happenings in their life. This is most helpful, though good astrologers are used to occasionally dazzling folks with their uncanny knowledge of what is happening in their lives. I have found that working towards an understanding of the happenings in life is the best use of astrology, though the art also encompasses predictive practice as well as past life insights.
As an astrologer, I have found that folks generally come for help when nothing else seems to be able to give an answer for the dilemmas in their lives. I also find that they come when Saturn is hitting their chart, and something is no longer working... What they find with any good astrologer are insights that are accurate and very specific to their lives, not just the generalizations that are found in the newspapers. (This is actually ascendant or rising sign astrology most of the time.)
What we follow more than anything are the passages of the outer planets through your chart, which gives us the major trends in your life. We then might look at your inner planets and personal makeup, to see how you are handling these transits.
As an astrologer, I have found that folks generally come for help when nothing else seems to be able to give an answer for the dilemmas in their lives. I also find that they come when Saturn is hitting their chart, and something is no longer working... What they find with any good astrologer are insights that are accurate and very specific to their lives, not just the generalizations that are found in the newspapers. (This is actually ascendant or rising sign astrology most of the time.)
What we follow more than anything are the passages of the outer planets through your chart, which gives us the major trends in your life. We then might look at your inner planets and personal makeup, to see how you are handling these transits.